All Social Networks Should Be Frugal
Last year, Mastodon 2.0 was released which added custom emojos. People immediately started to add them. SoonerLater, there is a huge overload of emojos.
One or two persons’ request is quite enough to pass addition of an emojo to an instance.
A competition started of ‘as much emojos as possible’, and who won, you’d guess? Of course it’s the Japanese instances.
[*Edit 2018-01-09: There was a Longway part here which no longer applies, as I abandoned the project. The original idea, however, is here to stay.
Also, reworded post.
Also, it’s 2018, fam.*]
It’s not meant to be this way
Today, the only emojos I should live with are, to be crystal clear, the Mastodon logo and the Thaenkin Standard. And even then I often get away without these.
Popular demand is not one or two persons’ demand.
**All social networks should be frugal and simple, that's it**. And even Facebook and Twitter are not an exception.
I come to Facebook to share some things in a long form with my friends, so be it. I want to not play social games which require Flash.
I come to Twitter to share some things in a short form with my followers, so be it. I want to not write long names, 280 character tweets, or fend out nazis.
[I actually can’t come to either, but still.]
**All social networks should be frugal and simple**.